morning glory

morning glory

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Monoprint dan Monotype

Saya mengucap kan banyak terima kasih kepada teman2 yang telah banyak membantu dan memberikan saran2
 terutama dari group CSP  situs dalam membedakan monoprint dan monotype pada saat akan berpameran atau mengajukan artist statement.
Hal ini harus kami akui bahwa sering ada salah pengertian baik di masyarakat maupun dikalangan pendidikan, dimana kami tinggal maka dengan di iringi mohon maaf ingin saya berbagi apa yang telah didapat dari teman2 di
negeri Paman SAM mengenai perbedaan monoprint dan monotype.
Perbedaanya adalah sebagai berikut: Monoprint adalah printing pertama dengan menggunakan transfer medium yang dapat diulang untuk menghasilkan printing berikutnya sesuai dengan aslinya atau dengan yang pertama tersebut,sedang Monotype hanya satu kali print saja tidak dapat menghasilkan printing berikutnya dengan image yang sama.
Demikianlah penjelasan yang telah saya dapat dari teman2CSP kepada siapa sekali lagi saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih atas segala dukunganya dan dalam memberikan semangat untuk terus berkarya.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Benjamin Kosasih

Benjamin Kosasih: Click "Collect Me" to help me win $10,000 and a show in the most immense exhibition of art in New York City : Art Takes Times Square.

Selasa, 27 April 2010


Long time I did not write for my blog.because being so busy lately,but after reading Babalisme blog I could not
restrain my self to write and wish to say thanks a lot to Google team Who has sent  me this Babalisme blog.
Honestly,I wished to say that this Babalisme blog is so beautiful and so interesting and am really interested in.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Wearable Art

The meaning of batik is painting.It is Javanese word which had been adopted for a  word of Indonesian language ,which to day this word became internationally known for a work of functional and wearable art.Traditionally  painting ,batik had difference characters between  territory in the expression of its patern and design.
When I passed by a junior high school,watching some students they were immersing fabric in a plastic container  to dye with coloring substance ,I didn't know exactly what kind of substance they had been instructed to use ,but i guessed,it could be synthesized dye water soluble reactant.I noticed their result of work which is similar with batik only the way they did technically is not the same with traditional batik in Java.
Javanese's traditional batik, they use melting mixture paraffin and bees wax for covering patern line and napthol salt to color and apply it by using what we call canting.They paint it paintstakingly detailed which its motive and patern expression appear in accordance with the traditional, territory  where they are living.
Now batik is spreading all over the countries to be an art and craft commodity in various kind of individual style of expression,which had been done in different way and technic by artist and crafter for art work.Although the word of batik become obscure people will recognize it from the character of traditional patern and design not from the way or technic they develope it.

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

art and craft

Minimalist now became so trendy,many people are building a new house in this style for their convenient.The design of interior is predominantly international in style with western accents that include selected art work and craft for accesories.Like the lamp shade lighting here,the idea is for minimalist but the owner is more atracted with floral patern,we tend to design what they need and choose painted stainless steel plate which the patern line was cut off by lasser,then pressed the edge line of positive part of the image, to make the light flooding through from the negative part to the positive image forming tree dimension patern of design.
As a design is an active process,art and craft can be applied for fungtional design in the form of industrial art and product.

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Arty crafty ,which is Edwardian in origin and was usually applied to the pseudo rustic,as in the Art and Craft design movement of the late 19th century.This Word for me gave a thousands of meaning,which involved in the industrial art and design.The economist,for example,are reporting that in the short time of only a few years the number of technology developed annually by computer have been multiplied hundred times even thousands.One can presume from this that society is changing,and Art and Craft have a real
problem to keep pace.In fact the artist and designer they spend their time on the design process by thinking and looking.Therefore Art and Craft have
a new and a profound interest mission of orienting everyone ,especially in regard to the relevant aspect of production,consumtion,and recreation.The artists and the designer they don't wait for inspiration when they face with a problem,but rather applies the learned principle of design to develope appropriate strategies for meeting the visual challenge which the design activity in Art and Craft may be carried out intuitively.

Kamis, 19 November 2009

membuat transfer paper

Sebagai mana penah menulis diblog mengenai transfer paper yang erat sekali hubungannya dengan process cetak mencetak ,disini akan ada penjelasan bagaimana pembuatan kertas yang dahulu digunakan untuk peneng (seal)sepeda,informasi ini berguna untuk mentransfer image atau design printing kesuatu permukaan yang lain dengan bentuk cembung atau 3dimensi.
Dalam survey berkeliling,melihat lihat pengrajin menggambar di pipa paralon tampak
cukup sulit,berlainan dengan mereka yang berpengalaman di bidang graphic art, mereka mengunakan technic printing dengan transfer paper(decalcomania paper).
Pertama,kertas koran atau kertas singkong diletakan diatas kain yang sudah disangga
kayu selayaknya canvas agar supaya tidak merekat,(bila mana hal ini terjadi,simple saja tinggal membasahi belakang kain tsb)kemudian dilapis dengan larutan gelatin,setelah kering dilapis lagi oleh lem tepung tapioka yang setelah dipanaskan diberi sabun,yang terlebih dahulu di iris2 lembut sehingga mudah larut tanpa meluap karena busa.Pelapisan ini dilakukan beberapa kali dengan mengunakan kwas.Ketiga,setelah kering lapis lagi dengan albumen/putih telur.Pekerjaan ini akan lebih baik hasilnya bila diprocess dengan cetak saring.Bila ketiga lapisan ini telah kering maka kertas tranfer paper telah siap digunakan,baik untuk printing press,cetak saring,atau digambar.Bagai mana menggunakanya?Mudah saja,kwaskan permukaan benda dengan varnish/laquer/epoxy kemudian lekatkan kertas decal yang sudah digambar dan kertas dilepas setelah keringnya laquer.Sulit mengelupas,?gunakanlah sponge basah.